"Benin Revealed": the new concept of the Government's Program of Action 2016-2021
The Program of Action of the Government of President Talon, presented to the Beninese people on Friday 16 December 2016, summarizes the "Benin Revealed" program, a roadmap for government action for the period 2017-2021. It is based on a panel of 45 flagship projects, complemented by 95 sectoral projects and 19 institutional reforms. It is divided into 3 pillars and 7 strategic axes. Launched in a quasi simultaneous and rapid manner, the various projects aim at the economic and social transformation of Benin.
Pillar 1: Strengthening democracy, the rule of law and good governance
The democratic and institutional stability of Benin is recognized on the international scene. It is already a strong asset for the country, a genuine guarantee of confidence to put at the service of its development.
However, the exercise of executive power over the past 26 years has shown that the Constitution of 11 December 1990 does not ensure an optimum balance of powers and powers; The overpowering of the President of the Republic in the face of the institutions of counter-power constitutes a weakness.
In this regard, the Government's objective is to sustain the democratic stability of the country, to optimize the institutional balance and to make Benin a model of good governance in Africa, while ensuring a more effective implementation of public policies.
Thus, comprehensive institutional and political reform is foreseen. The objective is to revise the Constitution, to put in place legal instruments favorable to human, social and economic development. Improving administrative governance is one of the priorities in this area.
Strategic axis 1: Strengthening the foundations of democracy and the rule of law
This will include a revision of the Constitution, strengthening counter-power institutions and better access to justice.
Strategic Line 2: Improving Governance
This will include, among others, the computerization and dematerialization of the administration (smart gov), as well as the merger of the gendarmerie and the national police. Moreover, diplomacy will be put at the service of development, in order to better know the economic offer of Benin to the world. Finally, the partnership pact signed between the Government and the Diaspora will be implemented: facilitation of direct investments in Benin will be granted and the skills and talents of Benin will be promoted.
Pillar 2: Engaging the structural transformation of the economy
This pillar is at the heart of the "Benin Revealed" Program. It is by deeply reforming our economy that we can create the conditions necessary to improve the daily life of the Beninese people. Thus, the program will put in place the structural and necessary reforms to strengthen the public financial management system and improve the business climate.
A sound and stable macroeconomic framework is not only essential for growth and welfare improvement in the medium term, but it will also support the massive investment program over the five-year period. It is an essential lever for mobilizing the necessary financial resources.
Rigorous use of public resources, the reorganization of financial institutions, and a new environment that generates economic dynamism will all help to increase domestic resources. It will also restore the credibility of Benin's economic signature. Actions will be based on three strategic axes:
Strategic Thrust 3: Improving the macroeconomic framework and maintaining stability
This will include the adoption of a unified regulatory framework for public-private partnership operations, modernization and professionalisation of the public procurement system, improved fiscal transparency, tax In favor of private investment, accelerated subregional integration and promotion of the processing industry, mainly to feed the sub-regional market.
Strategic focus 4: Improving economic growth
The economic recovery will be based on strategic sectors which are currently undervalued, despite a strong potential.
Focus: Strategic sectors of economic recovery
Digital Economy
The Government of Benin aims to use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a catalyst for economic dynamics and modernization in Benin for the acceleration of economic growth and social inclusion by 2021. The challenge is to transform Benin into a digital services platform for the whole of West Africa in the medium term.
This new strategy will be based, in particular, on the massive development of infrastructures and the generalization of broadband access with a view to reaching an 80% coverage ratio, as well as on the consolidation and dynamization of the sector. This will double the size of the market and create 90,000 net direct jobs in ICT.
In the meantime,
To make the agricultural sector the main lever for economic development, wealth creation and employment, the Government will create 7 regional agricultural development clusters and promote the development of value-added sectors: pineapples, cashew nuts, cotton, maize , Cassava and rice.
In support of massive investment in the agricultural sector, the Government envisages the creation of research structures specific to each sector and agricultural vocational schools for each agricultural development center. Particular emphasis will also be placed on instruments and measures for private investment in the agricultural and rural sector. This will result, among other things, in the development of 6,000 ha of arable land in the Ouémé valley to encourage the installation of 2,500 young agricultural entrepreneurs.
Tourism and Culture
In Benin, tourism's contribution of 0.7% to GDP appears modest. Paradoxically, Benin is one of the African countries with an exceptional tourist potential. The ambition of the new government is to make tourism a sector of economic development, creating wealth and employment and a tool of Benin's influence abroad.
To achieve this objective, Benin has many assets, including the richest animal and natural park in West Africa (the Pendjari and the W park), the vestiges and the memory of the slave trade Will be used to rebuild the historic city of Ouidah, and the largest lake city in Africa (Ganvié).
Benin, thanks to its geographical position, constitutes a natural corridor linking certain countries of West Africa. To exploit this strategic asset, the Government will make transport infrastructure an important lever to support economic growth and facilitate the development of exports. Particular emphasis will be placed on improving transport, logistics and trade infrastructures, notably through:
The modernization and extension of the Autonomous Port of Cotonou;
The redevelopment of the road axis around the Autonomous Port of Cotonou;
Construction of a new international airport in Glo-Djigbe;
The rehabilitation, modernization and extension of the national road network for approximately 1,362 km.
Energy and Mines
In order to establish a largely autonomous, competitive energy system and a reliable and high-quality supply of electricity to Benin's production units and populations, the Government plans to modernize and expand the thermal sector.
The development of renewable energies with the installation of photovoltaic farms with a total capacity of 95 MW is also one of the chosen alternatives, to strengthen the energy capacity of Benin. Finally, for the Government, the exploitation of the potential of the subsoil requires the development of the mining resources of the country.
The Government Program will increase the production of the artisanal sector. It aims not only to build, expand and equip infrastructure to support the development of handicrafts, but also to strengthen the technical capacities of craftsmen.
Strategic Axis 5: Improving the performance of education
The education system will be rebuilt and modernized by developing new governance and improving the quality of education, adapting the education system to the needs of the country and enterprises, and strengthening research scientist.
Pillar 3: Improving the living conditions of populations
The lack of social protection undermines the financial resources of the Beninese people, especially the most deprived. In terms of health, the population remains doomed to itself with an ineffective policy of urgency. The living conditions of the population are precarious due to delays in the organization of the supply of drinking water and energy, land-use planning and the resolution of sanitation problems. Finally, the sports and leisure sector is not structured, although it could be a tool for human, social and economic development.
The Government has made the improvement of the living conditions of the population a priority in the "Benin Revealed" Program. This will include the implementation of a new social protection policy and access to basic social services for all citizens. In particular, the State will take charge of the social protection of the most deprived.
It will put in place for the benefit of the populations a policy of accompaniment for the creation of income-generating activities, through continuous training, entrepreneurship and the granting of microcredits for the financing of specific projects. This component devoted to the improvement of living conditions is based on two (2) strategic axes:
Strategic focus 6: Strengthening of basic social services and social protection
This includes the provision of infrastructure and facilities in all localities for health, access to water and electricity, and the recruitment of doctors to facilitate access to care. Moreover, the adoption of a new legislative and regulatory framework will allow the setting up of a social protection mechanism including a policy of individual contributions of the beneficiaries supplemented by a subsidy from the State.
This will also include the introduction of Human Capital Reinforcement Insurance (ARCH), which includes four benefits for farmers, traders, transporters, artists and artisans. One-stop employment promotion will also be created to improve employment support services.
Concerning the sports aspect, university, military and communal associations will be created and 12 sports academies will be set up to take charge of talents at the departmental level.
Strategic area 7: Balanced and sustainable development of the national space
CEla will in particular result in a significant intervention in the balanced and sustainable development of the national space, in line with the Sustainable Development Objectives (SDOs). The main avenues of intervention are: the realization of major urban projects improving the living environment of the population, economic development, strengthening local democracy, correcting spatial disparities and reducing inequalities in access to services The public.